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According to Mark 3:14, Jesus called His disciples: "That they should be with Him, and to send them forth to preach." Therefore, dear reader, you and we are "His special people," chosen to "proclaim the praises of Him who called us" from darkness to His marvelous light, who were once not a people, but are now the the people of God, who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy" (1 Peter 2: 9-10).


According to the great prophecies of the Bible, we understand as a church that the highest (the climax) of the divine plan is to give back to all of God's creation the complete harmony it had before the entrance of sin into the world armonice to His perfect will and justice. For this, as the vision is far-reaching, as a member of Sandy Springs Seventh Day Hispanic Church, we must:

A. Reach as many people as possible by and for testimony; soon as possible,

B. Introduce them the gospel of Jesus; And once converted and repentant,

C. To prepare each member of the body of Christ to be a member of the

kingdom of Christ.


Since every true son or daughter of God is born as a missionary, from our birth, we must prepare a people for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; as John the Baptist did, through a personal ministry equal to that followed by Christ (Matthew 4: 23). Here is our mission: to announce the good news of salvation to every sincere person who desires to be saved. This preaching is and will be in the context of discipleship contained in Matthew 28: 19-20; of the personal ministry of Matthew 25: 31-46 and the message of the three angels of Revelation 14: 6-12, respectively: that all peoples, tribes, tongues and nations of the world are taken away. This Eternal Gospel must be shared, for every born again through:

A. An individual responsibility,

B. An individual effort and

C. A personal sacrifice.


Our purpose, as it appears in article 3 of our statutes and regulations, as well as in the same article of the manual of our church, and especially as God asks, we propose in everything: to glorify God and to obey, above all; for the realization of an independent and self-sufficient church to act in accordance with the Word of God and the implementation of the Personal Ministry that He approves. This, as Jesus exemplifies it in Matthew 4:23. This ministry is the one that allows each member to be interested in finding the needy and lost to help them and win them to Christ (Matthew 28:19).

Reader, please support this purpose and help us achieve our mission and vision.




Pastor Luis Peguero grew up in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and went to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, obtaining the title of teacher. He also studied for pastoral ministry at Atlantic Union College in South Lancaster, Massachusetts, USA. Peguero has served in a variety of teaching and pastorate capacities for years, including being a school principal and senior pastor. He is married to Pastor Yris C. Peguero for 40 years, and has four children: Ana, Andrea, Luis Jr. and Luiris. Luis Jr., is also pastor of church in the State of Massachusetts, United States. Pastor Peguero has been with his missionary companion and co-pastor Yris, and they have achieved great spiritual successes; thanks to the anointing of the Spirit that they have since their baptism on August 4, 1990, in New York City.


It has been seen that dozens of families have received the divine blessing in presenting their sons and daughters to the Lord; hundreds have been baptized and born again; scores of couples have been united in the holy marriage, leaving the past life; and hundreds have received, at least, a miracle from God for today to live healthy and happy, fruit of the work of these guided by Christ.


In addition, the marriage that heads Peguero, has been used by the Spirit of God, to establish 4 churches of which today, along with the pastor Yris, they graze this one and the one of N. Druid Hills Christian Church of Atlanta, GA.

Our Ordained Pastors

These pastors, because of their missionary spirit, passion and dedication, are always willing to serve their neighbor as themselves; are willing to receive your request for help, any day of the week and at any time of the day or night. Therefore, do not be afraid to call them.


God bless you, brother and reader friend!




The Seventh Day of Sandy Springs Church, or Sandy Springs Seventh Day Hispanic Church  Inc. was born and organized on Saturday, January 26, 2013 due to the need of its leaders and founders to express their Christian passion and satisfy their hunger to help announce the Good News of Salvation to every sincere person who wants to be saved. That is to say, to be able to help to the neighbor as to itself without the interference or the anti-biblical control of any other ecclesiastical organism.

These sons and daughters of God came to understand that according to the book of Acts 15: 1-35, the local church has the right to self-govern free from the manipulation of any hierarchy of religious or governmental individuals or organizations.

This nascent independent church is presided over by its current main pastor and founder Luis Peguero and his wife pastor Yris Peguero; And attached to it are the collaborating officers and co-founders: Samuel Tovar, Elizabeth Reyes, Carmela Moreno, Anayeli Pineda, Sergio Vicente, Mirian Berduo, Victoriano Romero, Margarita Calixto, Belén Romero Calixto, Javier Martínez, Ernestina Chica and eight others.

Mainly, we are formed having understood that we have been called by God in this "Eleventh Hour" of Christian history (Matthew 20) for the Christian purposes, mission and vision we have, and the need to group together among leaders and members that we respect and obey  the Bible; And among others, the principles such as:

  1. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5: 1-21, Matthew 4:10, 5:34, 19: 17-19, Mark 2:28, Luke 4:16, Heb. 4: 9, Romans 7: 7, Revel. 22: 14).

  2. Have "the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 12:17; 19:10),

  3. "Obey God more than men" (Acts 5:29), and

  4. Furthermore, "obey the shepherds who labor among us" (Hebrews 13:17).


Because by our respect and obedience to these and other principles of the Scriptures, we confirm the call and the will of God towards us; and it is for the same reason that, during the last 9 years of existence, we have seen the grace and the wonders of God, and we have ministered to the:

  1. Dozens of families who have received the divine blessing in presenting their sons and daughters to the Lord;

  2. To the hundreds who have been baptized and born again;

  3. To the twenty of couples who have been united in the holy marriage, leaving the past life;

  4. And to the hundreds who have received, at least, a miracle from God for today to live healthy and happy. Everything, fruit of the work of these Leathers guided by Christ.


In addition, we have established 4 churches in the State of Georgia; of which we now lead this, and his new daughter, the Christian Church of N. Druid Hills or N. Duid Hills Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Likewise, we have been working with small groups in homes; serving in the distribution of food in several areas of the metropolitan city; visiting prisons and hospitals; and educating the community about other services through talks, etc. And, by the mercies of Jesus Christ, we strive to continue fulfilling our mission, His mission, to reach the vision that God has drawn us as His people.



María Belén Marcelino


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These executives, who along with the Senior Pastor president of the corporation / church, are the responsible for the high-level legal functions of the congregation.

Diana Cuevas.jpg

Diana Cuevas



Elders or pastors' assistants are the officers our church has to perform important Bible functions. They, in our congregation, are aware that their work of alleviating burdens to their shepherds entails protecting, feeding, and visiting the sheep. Also, the elders are willing to receive constant instruction and training, so that they, together with pastors, can teach new converts and preach in and out of the congregation. This key group of church leaders also knows that it was nominated for community well-being; And that he should exercise voluntary leadership and not force (Acts 15: 6; 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Peter 5: 1-4).

For example, the Apostle Peter presents that as a witness to the sufferings of Christ, and waiting to be partakers of the glory to be revealed, our elders understand the importance of what it is to suffer for Christ; So that we can enjoy the great hope that Christ offers us. As the role of the elder is compared to that of a shepherd who tends the flock of God, the comparison suggests that the church as a flock of sheep must be cared for by it; Because members can sometimes go astray on their own. This is also well known by these servants of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, like the members who get confused, and need the pastor to guide them back to the fold, the elderly, are aware of working patiently in harmony with the group, and helping those who attend as co-pastors. His humble example should always exemplify how a true Christian should act. These are things of which these elders are warned and taught; For example, the elders of our church should gently gather the sheep for worship, Bible instruction, and to share the message of Jesus with those who need to know Him to attain salvation.

These are, among others, the goals and goals to be achieved by each of these officers of the Lord, the elders.


What is obtained by being born "of water" (baptism by immersion) "and of the Spirit" according to Jesus?  

For, when under the influence of the Holy Spirit:

  • confess our sins and

  • we repent of such sins,

We are "born again" (John 3).

Thus, we are set apart or sanctified by God and for God; for holy use and service.


Tel. 770-865-3428


5269 Buford Hwy- Suite 11 - 12

Doraville, GA 30340



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